Sunday, June 8, 2008


I postpone everything, I delay my things to be done. Can I call this laziness. I don't know. I have drilled myself into this right from my childhood days. I remember postponing my study time by pushing it by an hour, then by another hour and I keep pushing it till the day ends. This happens everyday. It happens today, and I am 25 years old. Somewhere I am convinced that I am capable of much more. But I just cant commit to my things to be done. I would be watching TV for hours, I would be looking what I can eat, have a smoke, or jut sit idle. Its just hard to kick this habit. Thats why I love the song-- "Time" by pink Floyd. The feeling of malignancy creep in me. I have got used to this . But I feel so sick, guilty and things like that.

I try to tell myself I am that way, I cant change that, so I tell my inner friend lemme be myself.
But at the end of the day, It affects my life, my image, and I question my atitude, and feel I lack selfdicipline.

I think that I shud be self determined, but this idea just fades off..and I carry on being lazy.

I also came across a qoute which says that lazy people think of doing or archiving things in a easier way, and they are innovative in those ways. Considering this people tell there is no shortcut to success.

I am having a tough time to get rid of this habit, cos as I said I think I am capable enough to archive a lot, if not for this old habit of feeling lethargic, lazing around and postponing things. I am not able to learn from the consequences.

Let me hear some voice please.....